Hey guys,
Even I believed Univercell to be a very good place to buy a mobile in chennai. And so till now I purchased totally four mobiles from Univercell. Of which the first was bought by my dad the first Nokia with the radio feature long back say 5 yrs back. And it got repaired within 2 months. When we took it to the Univercell shopkeeper, he told it to be a failure model and that is why it happened such way. And finally we went to Nokia service centre also and he is again poor in giving a proper service for a new mobile. And we thought that is because of the model to be a failure it has that problem. The next two mobiles was working in a good condition. And so we still believed Univercell. But say a few months back I got a Sony Erricson W580i which is again a failure model now. Friends, I do not know that it is a failure model at the time of buying. But the univercell shopkeeper must definitely knew that and he would have told that at the time of purchase. But again and again it got several problems withing two weeks. And I never expected the Univercell person to give such a worst response. It is really a @#$#@$ response given by the shopkeeper that it is not in the hands of Univercell to replace a new mobile with so much of faults. Why the hell did they keep a store then?
I would say friends, never buy a mobile from Univercell. At the time of purchasing a new mobile or as a new customer Univercell persons greet the new customers with such a good service. But if at all a problem occurs from their mobiles, you can face such a bad experience from them which is totally opposite to what they gave at the time of purchasing.