St rule and ethics,
This company is master of delay in claim settlement.
To delay the officers behave again
We know about unsettled claim and mentally torturing claimant by not reverting and giving false promises.
They press the client by delaying the claim settlement to accept less amount as claim.
All higher officers tell lie and do not revert correspondence.
Our government intentions are to make insurance available to all at affordable rates and fair settlement and hence they issued licenses
Here new small companies compete and take policies but at time of paying claims delay and blackmail claimants.
This company is also doing the same thing.
We know couple of cases where they go on applying dirty techniques and delay claims. They
go to any extent to delay beyond 9 /12 months and it is national loss.
Today one more reason of delaying payments by Mr Sanjay Saraf, Line head after giving reasons of internal reshuffling, is giving excuses of lots of festivals
The insurance companies are supposed to work for 24xx7 but actually they work for only receiving premiums.
Over and above one Mr Dilbag Singh also threatened that they will not pay in time and not pay full also.
can any one guide us lawfully how to deal with adamant insurance co delaying claim payment for no reason.