I am Susovan Saha, a pssed out student of Calcutta University. Calcutta University has been on the process of growth and development ab initio. With the change in time and its demand, it has changed its curriculum and other associated things. Nothing is free from quandaries, so is in case of Calcutta University. But when I was doing M.Com, Industry giant Tata Motors visited the campus for recruitment. Not only that having submitted my CV to our HOD, Dr. Malayendu Saha, I got a call for an interview from ICFAI for the post of research faculty. Now I am doing MBA and find that the way I read the subjects is helping me a lot. If we do SOWT analysis of the University we find.........
Streangths:- Learned faculty, Innovative pedagogical model, Library( more than 700, 000 books), Industry experience of the faculties, demanded courses( genetics, radio physics), Computer facility, seminars, knowledge base ect.
Weaknesses:- Red tapism, un-friendly non-teaching staffs, administrative system.
Opportunities: - Students from abroad are coming( Autralia, China, Germany, Canada etc.), Industry is showing interest, consciousness of the students increasing and are willing to do masters from the university, have international fame( 39th position in the world regarding Arts and Humanities, in top 500 universities of the world, 5 star university according to NACC)
Threats: - New open universities, autonomous universities are coming, many are providing distance learning programs, interest of a chunk of students towards professional courses.
So to retain the dignity, University has to address the loop holes and plan future programs accordingly.