University of the only one biggst university of calcutta. Over 300 colleges are under this university. But this is the worst university ever seen by me.
I have passed m
y gradution form Narasinha Dutt college. This is also under calcutta university I was studied computer science honours.
But when exams are held and university sets so deficult question set ever and on my first exam when I am seeing the paper my mind changes to what I do they are so deficult and more are out of sylabus than on my 2nd paper I worked hard and my exam is gone better than 1st. But at the time of result I was fail on my both subjects .
I have getting nothing my marks are reduced when I complain for RTI results comes in 3 month later and my number is not high .
The sylabus and exam dates given by the university is also not batter.
I suggest not to admit in this university for better future.