These days students are not following the old trends and that is the reason why BBA is emerging as a Very good career option. I am taking commerce students as the base. Students are very focussed and are not willing to waste their graduation by just mugging up theory. As we all know that the job market is very practical oriented and that is why professional degrees such as BBA are gaining importance.
I have nothing against students doing BCom. The course of studies is basically same in BBA as in BCom. What differs BBA from BCom is the professional and practical approach of BBA. The curriculam of BBA includes summer training, projects based on case studies as seperate subjects. There are managerial subjects like marketing management, organisational behaviour which dont exist in BCom.
The reason behind this is that BCom syllabus has not been changed according to the changing environment. While it is totally different in the case of BBA where syllabus is revived every year. This makes the students much more practical oriented and they are familiar with the market requirments. That is why they are called professionals. The semester system makes BBA students much more focussed as they cant afford to loose time.
Thus these points makes BBA a very strong and balanced career option.
Some prime institutions offering BBA in Delhi are:
Shaheed Sukhdev College of business Studies- Delhi University
New Delhi Institute Of Management- Guru Gobind Singh Indrapastha University
Jagganath Institute Of Management- Guru Gobind Singh Indrapastha University
Delhi Institute Of Advanced Studies- Guru Gobind Singh Indrapastha University