Kerala University ( KU) , Inarguably one of the historic University in Kerala and once the best in the State. But now its heading towards its worst. Its because of the political situation there. I was an Alumni there. From my experience, not all colleges under the University is good. The Administration of the University centre itself is politically biased. There is always protests, hartals and stonepeltings. Then imagine the situation of the colleges under it. They have no control over their students and allow them to do whatever they want, especially the politically inclined students. Speaking about its Curriculum, its just outstanding and covering more areas in the Subject. It's the only part that will give you relief if you joined there.
One of the worst part is regarding its exam schedule. If you got an exam timetable, the exam actually going to be happen anywhere between 3-4 months from the announced date. Once the exam is postponed, the reschedule date comes just 2 days before the exam or sometimes even the previous day itself. Regarding the results, you have to wait for months or even a year. That means we have to wait for a year to join the next course. The officers in the University information centre is very harsh and have to wait in hours long queues for a simple information . They even won't pick the phone calls for enquiry. We have to regularly check the University website for the updates.
Its one of my biggest mistake that I joined the university and from my experience I won't recommend anyone to join there.