Friends people say mumbai university is one of the best in india but it is just because of its pastlaurels and culture in which education was its main it has become so horrible that each and every member in this forum has inculcated moneyoriented thinking for their personal gains.who is bothered about students? no one right fromthe vc and all the authorities behave in such a disgusting manner with no principles and much money and power can I get out of a issue? that is only their concern.
No one understands the plight and sufferings of students .here they conduct exams in a pathetic way with a lot of mistakes in the question papers which is never said or rectified. even if it iscorrected it will a day after the exams. whenever we enquire about a procedure for filling formsor regarding results we are driven away by the college authorities. no one ever listens to our woes.the officials just for the name sake conduct visits to the college but in reality it is that which college offers them with goodwill and satisfy their needs they are given prominence and better rating.
The examination system is horrible with paper setting being very bad , such that no studentcomes out happily after his subject is difficult these fools make it tough justfor their tuiton class and coaching class lobby.paper correction is so bad that marks are not at all granted in a fair time is given especially for first year students in courses like engineering , pharmacy etc.for preparation. only writing journals and assisgnments is what students are engaged with .when is the time to study? the university should justify its stand and give a clear pictureof what it is upto?
It should also take some immediate steps to ensure that it is studentfriendly so that an excellent rapport is created between students and teachers.the teaching level has gone so down that it has reached its lowest must take strictaction against those teachers who are not following the should upgrade the levelof teaching and also provide information to the students on a timely basis about its decisions.students are harassed so much that now the time has come for government authorities tointervene and do the needful .so friends just remove this misconception about bombayuniversity that it is good and develop an indepth knowledge which says it has lostits glorious days.