Looks like those holier Than Thou mods pissed all over their pants at my risque posts and banned me. But guess what! Im back....
And for those that missed my reivew of UVCE, here it goes again -
I fail to see why my reviews keep getting banned. Next time around, I am going to keep a copy of what I write from now on, thanks to the fact that it keeps getting banned.
OK, back to UVCE (and for the moderators who wish to ban this, go ahead Vicars! Im saving a copy..;) )
The place is an SC/ST haven. Theyre all over the place, like running water. They get to pay less semester fees, even less exam fees. And mind you, all these people had well-to-do fathers in plush Govt jobs(shall we say, the ones that generously dipped their hands in the till) and yet, paying only Rs.5 for an exam. Such sacrilege!
And we, MERIT students not only had to live with that plethora of resreved students but also ended up paying much more than them.
Besides that, the college is fine. Nice peaceful ambience, and ever so filled with suspense - you never know when the roofs going to fall down.
One final word to the prudish moderators - go ahead and remove this one too. As Matthew Wilder sang back in the early 80s -
Aint nobody gonna break my stride
Aint nobody gonna hold me down
Oh no
Ive got to keep on moving.
And vivekbp - I dont know if you saw my thread from yesterday, but heres a new one for you. No more playing with your toys on a lonely Friday night. You can feast yourself good with my thread.