I used to part own a Fiat Uno 45 Eleganza with my sister. It was a fairly smart looking car when we bought it, but it didnt last. One (of the many) very annoying features of the Fiat Uno, was its crunchy gearbox. This I found out later was one of the common faults with Unos. Basically, you couldnt drive and change gear without a spine tingling, bum clenching crunch, that gave you the same sort of feeling as running your finger nails down a blackboard! The steering was ok in a straight line, until you dared to even turn the slightest of corners. After a few months of driving an Uno you will be surprised at the size of your biceps, as steering the thing brings you out in a sweat, its that hard. The engine is noisy, especially at speed on a motorway. It was so stressful driving on it, that you always had an inkling that you werent going to make it to your destination, that the car was going to implode at any moment. The only way of describing it was that it was like driving a giant baked bean can on roller skate wheels. My sister finally parted with that car just last week, and I dont miss it a bit!