Friends, I am connected with Upstox since last 7 months only, & Cause of only my son. Who loves to Online treding & equity, as this has becomes a Trend also. He insist me Papa you also should join. Actually he himself made my Ids or passwords on this site for use. Now today I have becomes 7 years old in Upstox.
My personal experience are as below:-
The main reason of connection with this site is less brokarage, & least on Intraday.
If you calculate a simple Trade on their website calculator, I found that the calculation made on website & contract was different.
Interestingly I Booked 600 shares of Reliance Capitals, but instead of that it deducted 900 Orders actually. Although it do not shows Transactions Details in Order History. I just log out on that day. Next day when both me & son was sitting he checked the details & in positions Logs it was showing the 9th October17 900 shares booking, but I booked only 600 shares. hge draw my attention towards this, . I raised this query on their help logs with reply that its sytem error & will be notified from further on. Its not a system fault, the fault is in there updation process which is very slow. Then we made a conclusion that this site or apps fails to stop such Transactions because it increases the Margin limit.
Since then I always take complete cares & use with very much actively or cautiously, to avoid such things.
Friends, pls your sense should always be used whenever worked on it. Therefore I am not recommending this to anyone.