I am Architect and I have been working as a freelancer from last year. Initially, I was looking for Online Platform to receive freelance work. That time, I heard that Up-work is the worlds best freelancing platform.
I tried to register there and tried to make a business from that portal many times, but I have to sadly mention, that this portal is nowadays closed platform for new freelancers. It does not support, new prospective freelancers. When I logged in and Tried to register there, my profile was rejected again and again from this portal. I received an email that, the positions of-of Architect, 3D modeler is already filled. Unfortunately, at this time there are already many freelancers with a similar skill set to yours and we cannot accept your application. So please try after few days. I tried at least 4-5 times after the interval of 15 days. But unfortunately every time I received the same reply and my profile was rejected. I now believe, Upwork is so much concerned about its own business and profit, that it does not consider it is important to include all new aspirants also into this platform.
I am currently successfully running my freelance consultancy business on Freelancer, Toogit, Truelancer.