God, when will I be able to go and watch the movie which was planned and not settle down for yet another boring movie. Yes this time too what I planned was to go for Someone like you but was late and couldnt buy tickets. So off I went to watch this movie… Gosh…even Columbia Tristar can make such movies, I feared it was only we Indians….
There was nothing good in the movie except perhaps the cast. The style was old FWF i.e. fiction within fiction, where a group of university students for film making get together to shoot a horror story. This could get them Hitchcock prize!!!
The audience is confused seeing the making of a horror movie in the movie i.e. which way to look at it. The whole sequence is boring and damn predictable. The jokes are incomprehensible and boring.
I dont understand that when there are serial killings going on of the film crew, when the murderer has been videotaped and when the murderer breaks in the house of the heroine, why the hell doesnt she report to the police. Had that been done, the mystery would have been solved and the movie would not have progressed an inch further!!!
The final verdict is dont go for the movie and abstain others from doing so, if you can.- that is.