Its been a garbage now. Thrown to dust bin in after 15 days. Actually happen what. I purchased this in the year of 2014 in summer season to save the electricity . Because my AC in consuming too much electricty. So I cant afford that. I purschased it from local store . Usha is always famous for its home appliances and their products are good in real time. This is my 3rd product from usha.
According to design this cooler looks very uncomfotable . Its not fitted in small windows properly. Take more space . Design not much impressive . My dad said its sound like very crunchy. Felling pain in ears and dont sleep in night and day.
Cooling power is good but not the best . Cool at the last temprature 23 c temprature . Which is not good from usha company
Quality is good enough . Durable for 3 to 4 years. U buy the silver one . Which absorb dirt very fast. I must choosed black . Which is more pretty in terms if colour and shining.
After month of july I throw it to the dustbin because its stopped working.
Dont think to buy this.