Please dont think of your family member to get admit into this hospital, my father was very healthy dont have any side effects, but due to operation messed up by doctors in that hospital, my dad had to die. Those idots has taken away my dad life. Bcz of that stupid V. Ratnam I had gone there, I had a chat with him almost 30 min before admitting my dad there. Really telling they dont know how to do surgeries but knows better how to kill ppl easily. Please please think thrice to admit any of your family members there. Any other complication comes they dont know treat the patient even they dont let you know the problem. Even they dont allow doctors from outside as if they knows everything, I had requested so many times but V.Ratnam offended that outside doctors look them as stupids (yes, true they look them as stupids bcz these guys done mistakes in treatment).Assistent docotors always says talk to V.Ratnam, but that idiot never give a time to explain you the problem as if he is so busy.
After 33 days stay in ICU, they had hand over me dead body of my dad. Basically they dont know how to treat the patients or they never try to prevent side effects which comes due to surgery or long stay in ICU. My dad had internal bleeding almost 6 units blood had gone via urine but they never observed the urine (we can imagine how much time they never be with patient), this is what we get treatment even after paying lakhs to that bluddy hospital. Another thing when I was there in that hospital during that period almost 6 cases were failed and they had to lose their lives.
Another addition to that they dont have Nepherologist, if any patient get failure of Kidney then that patient has to die there is no further treatment avail in that hospital like CRRT, etc.
They are not meant for cardiac surgeons, they are meant for killing ppl by taking money. Another thing in that corporate hospital is the pharmaciest does rounds to see patients who has under gone by pass surgery. Even that pharmaciest eat money if any medicine we need to get from outside, he refers to some place where they charge more (including his commision), at that movement we never think that we need to enquire with some other medical stores.