I recently acquired a PDA made by Handspring. This model is called the Visor EDGE. It is ultra thin and light(4.8 oz). The PDA is really a gift for a person on the move. I can keep track of all my tasks for the day. I also got an camera attachment for my PDA. This allows me to take large pictures(640 x 480) and also small thumbnail pictures which I can attach to my address book. i.e I can attach a name to a face! This is particularly useful when meeting a lot of new people at conferences. Another good application is to sit a roadside cafe and snap pictures of people as they walk by, especially now in the summer when things are a little bit more revealing.
I also have a Spanish dictionary which I use in my Spanish classes. I can track expenses and to do lists. Finally I can back it all up merely by a Hot sync cable attached to my serial port at work. I also have one attached to my USB port at home. I can update certain news and featured channels using Avantgo.com. All in all this is a very useful tool.