The interview process at UST global is very adhoc and unprofessional. In my case there were supposed to be 3 rounds. Technical, followed by Manager and then HR. In the very first stage they shared their budget as upto 30 lacs. Based on the JD and budget shared by them I applied for the job. The technical round was quite good. It was a webex session. Post the technical round I received a call from the HR that first round was excellent and your selection is 85% confirmed and rest 15% depends on salary negotiations. They mentioned that there are some budget constraints so they will not be able to offer you more than 26 lacs. After having long discussions I accepted the offer and asked them to go ahead with the final round. The requirement was very urgent and they wanted me to join on a short notice. Hence I submitted my resignation in the then present organisation based on the offer they shared over the email. Later they came back and said that even 26 lacs will not be possible and they reduced the offer to 25 lacs. Since I had already submitted the my resignation, I accepted that offer as well. After more than 1 week and multiple followups they conducted the Manager round. This round also went quite well( I even have the recording of the same). But after multiple followups with HR, I did not receive any concrete response from them. Finally they mentioned that the interviewer of the manager round is not responding to the calls and emails of HR. Hence they are closing the requirement.