Joined this glorified consultancy in hopes of moving to Gods own country inspite of many advising not to. They dream/talk big but deliver/do nothing.
The HR Jino, Radhika, Swapna and the Admin staff Sreekumar Thekkeveetil, Rajeev Leela, Sreedhar Viswanathan, Rajesh Thankappan are long timers here and they think they are doing a favour by performing their job. If you are to coordinate anything which involves any of these groups then God save you. It is more difficult than a govt. office.
I felt no process being followed and many ad-hoc decisions taken added with complete unaccountability at many levels.
In short, this is a very good place for a stop-gap arrangement. Park yourseld here till you find anything at all. Bargain hard and you will get your desired package. And the company is very much money minded. So be aware of your Project status.