Kevin Spacey, the story teller, does a remarkable job - and YES - his Oscar was well-deserved indeed! This movie is one which is finally understood as it draws to the conclusion. The actors AND the characters they portray are as good a fit as Ive ever seen! Unusual is that the background music is minimized, which I find to be remarkable! We have become too accustomed to all KINDS of music that cues the viewer. Music in this movie is timely - NOT redundant! Ive watched it several times, and - despite knowing how it turns out in the end - find this movie to be one of THE best Ive ever seen. Prepare yourself for some violence, bad language, etc., yet, somehow, all of that stuff fits. In the end, the viewer should ultimately understand that people are NOT whom we presume them to be. Instead, we all have our secrets - and some of us hide our secrets very well, yes .. very well indeed.