I find the behavior of Tapasayas parents completely unreal. How can they not understand their own daughters emotional turmoil. Tapasaya is right in her actions as she is jealous of Ichcha and to some extent it is correct. I would never give more importance to someone elsed child specially a servants over my own child!! How can Jogi Thakur and his wife Divya do this to Tapasaya? I love watching this serial but my blood boils when I see Ichcha being given more preferance. Ichchas father s death was an accident , how can Jogi Thakur punish himself and his innocent daughter for it.
I wish Ichcha and her mother leave the house and let Tapasya live happily with her parents. I cant stand Ichcha! I am sure that people who watch this serial must have developed a growing hatred towards Ichcha and her mother. Poor Tapasaya is suffering because of them.
This serial also gives out a negative vibe to the audience and I think people will never help their servants seeing how the course of this serial has spoilt it fun. I being a parent would kick such servants or anyone else out of my house if they have a negative influence on my child.Tapasaya is forced to become a bad person which is not appreciated. I really wish n pray that Ichcha and her mother leaves the haveli and go somewhere else to live and Tapasaya lives happily everafter with her parents.