I stopped watching uttaran after you ditched iccha . from oct 19th I am not watching it anymore. thanks for playing game with my emotion. I am disappointed.how can tapasya expect that she would be accepted by veer? I thought icchas interests will be safe guarded.
How foolish it is that tapasya cant be identified behind the veil? the director and the story writer had missed a wonderful opportunity to educate the society.on the auspicious day of deepavali when good triumphs over evil you had killed the good for the sake of evil(tapasya and mausiji) generation y has already losing faith in our custom and tradition and you are augmenting it.heard wole soyinka, an african writer? he expressed once that a writer has a great responsibility to educate the society. once he regretted for ending his story tragically.time is not out. dont become a stumbling stone during icchas wedding with veer.bring cheers to all the viewers on 19th oct.
nandini halageri