See the tragedy of Uttaran. This is the most stupid serial I have seen.
Lets see how:
TAPASYA: Crime: Murder of Vansh Singh Bundela, attempt to murder of Iccha.
Punishment: Shes now happily living with Rathod with Icchas Child!
NANI: Crime: Kidnapped Icchas Son. The most evil woman always trying to bring Iccha down.
Punishment: Nil. In fact she isnt satisfied with the evil work. Continues to bring Iccha down.
ICCHHA: Crime: Was always good to Tapasya n Nani n everyone else. A saint in human form.
Punishment: Is always tortured and continues to be tortured. Must be shedding a tumbler of tears everyday.
Hey directors of Uttaran if you continue to show like this Uttaran will soon end. What nonsense r u showing? Theres a limit for evil to succeed and you have crossed it.