I have decided not to watch uttaran after 23rd jan 2010 episode.
1) Why still Veer is after Iccha, I dont understand, when iccha can do anything for tappu, what is the gaurantee that if at all he marries iccha he wud be happy with her. A girl who did not think about veers life and handed over veer to tappu is not worth of being anyones girl
2) Icchas role is so irritative that, she forgived tappu after such a big incident(murdering her)
oh my god.i wud never recommend my frnds to watch this serial. Infact dont want to waste my time typing soomething for Uttaran
Who ever is the director, please do something realisitc. I was waiting since years for a realistic serail, thought uttaran wud be one. It shattered my dreams