I think the story that began so beautifully has gone completely off ... How can one believe that the entire baraat kept waiting close to an hour and did not raise any hue or cry while the bride was being exchanged. Please respect your viewers and their intelligence...
Do you think you are showing this to some nit - witted people ? Do you have to show the entie world as selfish and disrespecting towards the under previliged ? To what extent ? And stop that loud musical score in the background... It is highly irritating. You could have shown at least Veer refusing to go where Tapasya is... Why does Damini keep quiet in front of Veer and why does Mausiji always get away with any nonsense that she indulges in ? Will the evil ever be punished ?
What are you trying to project one really fails to comprehend. Hope at leaset now the story will take a turn and we shall see Tapasya regretting her mistakes and paying a huge price for her selfish behaviour. Please do not make Iccha pay any more prices for no fault of hers... Bring some happiness and cheer into her life. End on a very positive note...