Gosh!!! did u see the latest episode....it was so damn pathetic....!!! the height of STUPIDITY and ABSURDNESS.....till now I used 2 laugh at every weird episode of uttaran (plzzzz....dont think I sit 4 the entire thing!!!!.....i see it while swaping channels)......and take it as some comedy serial.....coz it was so pathetically unreal....but the latest episode really got on my nerves.....and im cent % sure most of u have stopped watchin this crap....
....in this episode vansh tells ichcha of some bundela pariwar k purko ka love story which turns out 2 be exactly like ichchas , veers and vanshs....n in the end the female suicides or something...(eeeeeeeww.....y did they have 2 make the story same I wonder!!!!).....n while he says all this....u shud see the expression on ichchas face.....CONSTIPATED, CONFUSED, CRAP!!!......n he says all this in the palace of dat whoever he was talking of ....which has now become a haunted looking place.....n the female whom he talks of (kesar)...is still believed 2 b a love icon or something....(dats wat I understood!!!)....so whoever says her name loud has true love.....so 2 test their love vansh shouts out ICHCHA....n when ichchas turn comes....she runs away.....n gets lost in the haunted house.....starts screaming 4 help (if she knew this was wats gonna happen....y runaway in the first place????).....n veer who is standing outside runs in time 2 take ichcha in his arms....vansh sees that....gets jealous ....grabs ichcha back....glares at veer.....n later Ichcha decides 2 write a letter 2 vansh telling him the truth bout her and veer (after confirming with her mother of course!!!!).........WAT A STUPID EPISODE..Y ichcha is writing a letter to vansh instead of telling it face 2 face.....uff!!!...the same will get stolen in some other episode im sure....
Sach mein the biggest turn-off of this serial is the weak story line.....audience cannot keep forgiving the director again n again....everytime we think director ya scriptwriter ko akal aayega....it turns out exactly the opposite....see in this episode also....IF THEY HAD 2 PUT SUCH A DRASTIC TRAGIC PAST TO BUNDELAS FOREFATHERS.....Y DID THE HELL DID GULWANTI, DADA ET AL. AGREE 2 SUCH A RISHTA....KNOWING DAT ITS DITTO WITH KESARS STORY.....
n someone plz tell that ichcha to show some expressions....im sure many will hate tapasya...but she is a very good actress......she expresses so well ..that many ppl believe she is the same in real life.....i mean she connects with her character ......and n I believe she is the central character of the serial......not ichcha...dont know why they made ichchas character so dumb n annoying....n Tina Dutta is not good in conveying the characters emotions coz there r no real emotions....