Underline textI never in my life heard or watched a serial like this. What the heck do they want to convey?. Make hell out of others lives and you will win all the way. When will be the justice???. Ending 2 days of the serial or what???. Everyday with lots of stress at work and all other people watch TV to relax.
Everyday this ichha cries and tappu puts her victorious face. What the heck was wrong with that gal?. Its not sacrifice or any crap its pure f up brain of iccha. It gets on to my nerves when I watch her bloody goddamn face. No one exsists on this earth like this. Its not being good . I hate iccha more than I do tappu as she provokes tappu to make her life hell. I hate this f up serial. Serials should be entertaining not torturing viewers.
I am going to stop watching this bitches show as I want to live and I want to live with proper brains. Someone poke some brains into the goddamn show creators rusted brains.