It was another tryst with destiny with all Rang De Basanti shows being sold out again. And yet again I missed watching this movie.
PVR in Koramangala Bangalore is an interesting theatre. I stared at the Gold Class window admiring the red coloured all around it after gulping down a corn sub at the subway. Cinema Eurpoa another banner screamed down at me as I stared at it with an air of dis-satisfied discontent. The corn sub was probably the best food Ive had in Bangalore since days. Bangalore and bad food go hand in hand.Walking became difficult with the rush of Sunday crowd as I made my way avoiding bumping into people like stray cyclists do after a douse of saturday evening spirits.
I sat down on the comfy red coloured seat amidst the bright red decor of PVR which instantly reminded of kingfisher airlines and their pretty looking yet snooty air-hostesses.
After a few interesting trailers and a few boring social-education documentaries the movie started. The movie started with some music that preceded the destruction of a building.It seemed that some enterprising DJ in the UK had played a remix-raja with mozarts work. And there enters our Hero called V who seemed to be a poor over-verbose shakespearean cross-over of Jim Carrey in The Mask and Antonio Banderas in Zorro. You would probably need to be a GRE student to figure out what he talks. All my self-made flash cards popped up in my mind as I made every effort to decode the unrelentless deluge of the purest form of English that you could hope to hear.
So it seems mr V is the victim of some experiemnts that the government secretly carried out on people that victimised him beyond recognition on the 5th of November. So here he is at his vengeful best , wearing a mask and flirting with an English actress whos name I cannot recollect.
So that starts off a chain of events when he takes his Badla on all those evil men who had made him and his co-sufferers suffer. He signs off his murders in theatrical style by placing a scarlet rose I believe over every dead body that he is responsible for.
The government head is sone hyper discriminatory guru who believes in ruling his people with an iron hand to assume control. Thus the war now wages between the governments honchos and our Zorro.
The movie is disturbing at times with references to the current war on terror, religious discrimination, bird flu and the impending crises that our world looks headed for.
The movie sends a perfectly wrong message at a time when we all are hoping for a better future.
So our dear man Vs final Badla is to destroy the UK parliament on November 5 and as usual in his uncanny style of mixing music and destruction. So will he be able to destroy the parliament, destroy the government and kill the evil head of state who did all the horrendous tortures to him and thus free the people ? This is what the movie is all about.
Not a particularly great movie to watch. The camera effects, and action sequences are not really very Hollywood style since this is an English movie. I would rather call in a rather polite action thriller with the typical English stiffness about it.
I would not recommend this movie. Go and watch this movie only if tickets to no other movie are available and if you can bear highly accented theatrical English !.