V3S mall in laxmi nagar.are one of the nicest mall we have.it is nice.and it also spresd over 5 acres of land.
It is really have a fun to be here.amazing and awesome experience I had with this mall along with my friends.
We usually often come at this place with my friends whenever we are free.specially on public holiday occasions.
Inthere mall.there is one multiplex cinema.if you are bored up by hanging all around in mall.lets go to in the multiplex cinema.you can find latest movies out there.
Also there it has KFC outlet.you can go and enjoy with your friends.its quite amazing.
If you does not mall.then you can go to further one more mall.which EDM mall.near by Kaushambhi.you can reach out therr by using Metro.
It is also a very nice mall.and much bigger in size as compare to V3S mall.
So I would suggest.to everyone. To hangout with your friends .anytime.specially on some special occasion.