I am regular visitor to (once in Month) Baroda Central Mall.It was first one in Baroda and many more added later.The ground floor with Granments, Watches..are really well arranged and displayed to public.The other floors with Garnmenets, jewelleries, Fashion goods, eateries, Books, Greetings ..are well appealing and bit above average prices.
The Food court on top floor is really well managed and varieties are good.The cost, quality, ambience is good.but it lacks bit on customer care service.One needs to stand in que and wait for 30-60 min to get yr food of rare choice otherwise ok.
The noise level is bit high and lighting is good.Most of times some of escalators does not work and crates panic at times.The promotional offers and gift schemes are just average.The parking for four wheelers is tough during Holidays/weekends.
The security is bit lacking as most of times it is found neglected.However it is new kind to Baroda culture.It can be improved by having some special food joints at basement/ground floor and special cultural programs.It can boost up sales by encouraging special discount coupons to various publicsector/Govt sector/Private scetor employees which comprises major chunk of Baroda population with more diversith on multi culture needs.It is good and refereshing experience to visit Baroda Central Mall.