So Mr. anybody you are
First tell me are you a frusti person having no idea what you are trying to convey.
There is a misconception with you that, Rohtak is a village, do you want to know something about rohtak lets have review over that:
Shekhar Gupta- Chief Editor of Indian Express and nowdays coming in a great show called Walk the Talk (hope poor guys like you must have heard about this) is a graduate from MDU(under which Vaish College of Engineering comes.).
Heard about Subhash Ghai is a passout from Vaish College(The native college of Vaish society).
you know Bhupinder Singh Hooda CM of Haryana and a prominent name in the Congress Government, His native is Rohtak.
Its the next city after Bahadurgarh to be included in NCR and we shall be having Metro Rail service here.
Is that enough for you or are you searching for some Gneral knowledge book!!! So poor chap first go and have a review of your GK.
So your point that people here are arrogant, backward and are living in a village is CONTRADICTORY. OK!!!!!!!
Secondly talking about the students of vaish college of Engineering: u said no decent student can study in Vaish college of engineering!!! right.
Listen poor chap, we VCEians are right now at the Top of this world, will have a review over that:
according to my research in some top companies Like : TCS(No.2 Consultancy services company in India), there are nearly 300 employees who are VCEians and more than 55% of them are Onsite(Client Site).
The first ever Alumni Meet in the History of Vaish College was organized and that too by the students to whom you were calling them Cheap. The strength of that MEET was 100, thats an achievement!!!I beleive because I was one of them. Not only this now we have a common platform through which we can interact with our seniors, juniors and batchmates for any sort of help, whether it is to kick out some POOR CHAP like you.
For the past 3 years(2003-2005) The best College award or what people call as the Over all trophy at Universitys youth festival(TECHNICAL ZONE) has been given to Vaish College of Engineering.
Toppers in the University for mostly all the years are from our college.
So your point that No Placements forget it Man companies are now approaching VCE, IBM came for a Pre-Campus in VCE, students from this college went out for various off-cum-on-campus(hope you understand the term) in L&T, I-flex, Infotech Enterprise, etc. Not only this if you have a review over the 2004 passout students, it took them only 2 months after BE to get placed. This is what Reputation Vaish College of Engineering is having.
so 2 of your points are CONTRADICTORY.
Coming on to what you said in the starting
For all you people who might be thinking that why all my reviews come on professional education, its just because i’ve seen a lot of colleges and experienced their pros and cons too closely
the other way you say:
And in the last the most shocking the gals in Vaish seem too far from any link to a good family with most of them involved in smoking and doing all kind of other stuff with opposite gender........but I think its apt for them
, after all its homeland of MALLIKA SHERAWAT and you got to show that.
So never ever even by mistake say anything against VCEians
Well I suppose I just wasted my time on such an issue which is totally IRRELEVANT, CONTRADICTORY and ofcourse written by what we call an Inconplete person.
So always Think before you write or speak publically.
With warm Regards
Rajat Khattar.