Seeing the ads of VLCC (Vandana Luthras Curls & Curves) staring at me every single day in the newspaper showing me before and after photographs of people who had successfully lost weight, I decided to meet one of the Councillors and find out whether I could join their spot reduction programme called Tummy tuck which cost Rs.5, 500/- for 5 sittings.
Since I am a very slim lady, I was promised a washboard stomach within no time at all and I fell prey to this money minting racket. I am sorry to say that there is absolutely no loss of even a millimetre from my waist, so I cannot even dream about the Inch Loss that my councillor promised! I would like to utilise this platform to warn any and everyone who is planning to spend their hard earned money on so-called health clubs to refrain from doing so. I would appreciate it if anyone having a similar experience would get in touch with me, and also if there is anyone out there who has had a good experience with this companys service (which I very sincerely doubt!)