Housewife turned socialite turned dietician turned beautician...I have been following the great dame of Indian beauty and slimming and mapping her hugely successful career- all thanks to fat punjabi women. A few years ago Ms Luthra promised white complexion a la Michael Jackson and created a frenzy and a furore. Now she is claiming a world record in achieving 82 Kgs fat loss. But the reality is very sad. I have personally seen a patient too weak even to walk, skin hanging in folds and on the verge of heart collapse after record breaking fat loss through chemical diets, apetite suppressants and the like. There should be vocal public opinion to ban such kind of (un) healthy practices. The best way to weightloss should be under a doctors supervision and best left to the medicos. A healthy lifestyle, excercise and a beautiful mind is all it takes - not some dumb blonde with hobby course certificates from foreign countries. I have never been more angry with anyone as I have seen closely how this works and some people may see it as libel etc but I have seen a friend suffer and I feel I must tell others as well. Health Clubs should be about health, Period.