Vardhaman college has NBA acrredition and is one of the illustrious college in the city.
It is situated 10 kms away from shamshabad . Its far away from city with a good atmosphere .Though its away from city it has a very good transport facility and for those who reside at kondapur or nearer area it just takes 1 hour to the college.
The college always remain clean and tidy throughout the year because a very good team of workrs is allocated for that work.
Canteens and food cafes:
1 canteen - it serves good breakfast, lunch n fast food . It has good no of seats for those who likes to give treats to their friends.
1 cafe coffe day, 1 crispy fried chicken, 1 coca cola refreshment center, 1 tea stall and the last bt nt the least a franky stall .
I found franky very tasty n the ice creams I cannot explain.
Library: The college has a big library most probably one of the finest in the hyderabad. It has a very good no of books which u can carry to your home. It also has competition exam books for instance gate, Gre n many more.
Sports: for playing cricket it has a stadium with two dugouts . And even it has a college team which competes with other college teams.
Placements: It has a good placement record nearly 50 -60% pupil gets placed. Most of them are cse, It n Ece.
Last bt not the least one which u dont like at all i.e, carrying phones is forbidden in the college premises n even bikes are not allowed to the college.but cars can be taken to the college.