Hi, this is my first review here.
My last flight by varig (more than one month ago) was very good, better than I expected. The flight was Rio de Janeiro - Brasília and than Brasília - São Paulo. When I arrived in the airport, I ran to the varig check in to reserve a place in a window seat in Economy Class, unfortunately, there wasn´t a place available in window seat. But the attendant kindly told me that there was a place a bit in the front of the plane, (MD11) in window, and she put me there. When I got to the airplane I couldn´t believe.. She put me in Executive Class! The flight was awesome, food was nice, the flight attendants were nice too. Arriving in Brasília, I got a flight to São Paulo in a 737-500, and again, better than I expected.. The lunch was delicious, and the flight crew was again very nice, making everything to please the passengers. All flights departed on time and arrived on time.
I recommend Varig´s service.