The most rudest, arrogant , horrible money making travel agency. We had booked a tirupati trip (paying 1000 bucks per person) on Thursday 1st April 2010. First of all the bus came three hours late.we (women and elders) were in a deserted bus stand in indira nagar till 12:30 pm.though we kept calling they said ten mins excuse!!
Finally when we reached tirupati we were taken to the dirtiest lodge and then pushed into the normal queue(though we had paid for the paid darshan). We stood in the queue for 6 hrs thanks to them. The drivers and 4-5 cleaners in each bus were drunk and most horrible of all..
They didnt have the basic ethics of complaints can go of the worst trips ever.and worst travel agency_varsha travels.
Kindly do not encourage this agency any more!!!!