Varun Motors used to do very good servicing at Malakpet. However since the last one year the servicing is not up to the mark.There is a very casual attitude on the part of Supervisors and the works manager.The technical staff are very good at their work except for one or two seniors.
The recent servicing and rectification of defects was a diappointment.A rear door had to be properly alligned.It was not done properly.Temporary remedy is not what we want.Somehow the centre has lost its committment.
Please dont take us for granted. When we take the car to the showroom it was only after I insisted on being attended after 15 mts of my arrival that someone attended.This also happened after each person shifinting or passing the buck from one to other. I never ever expectesd this from VARUN which has a reputation of being a good workshop for servicing and repair.Next time I may have to search of good servicing station.