I first used the Vaseline Dermatology Formula due to having eczema and then Unilever discontinued it in Canada. I then switched to Extra Strength - Unscented.
I found this version to be very soothing and especially nutritive for my skin. I took away that scaly, dry skin and replaced it with soft, supple, smooth skin.
Actually my dermatologist recommended Vaseline Extra Strength Unscented due to the fact that it is economical, works great and has very few ingredients to cause reactions in people afflicted with skin conditions. He was right!!!
The beauty of this product is that is readily available pretty well anywhere from variety stores to drug stores to grocery stores! It is still the first brand you think of when thinking of hand/body lotion. After all, it has been around the longest and proven itself over time.
If you are looking for a good all round moisturizer, you cant go wrong with this version or any of the Vaseline Intensive Care lotions!