My suggestion is don’t waste money on this!
if you look this for Investment, Price from 2014 is 5800(if you know the management) to 6200( if you are normal buyer with no knowledge of prevailing prices there) is the same even now.
Poor guys who got the buildings then would be paying bank interests!
For Living, very narrow corridors, poor lighting and ventilation in A, B and D towers. Quality of Doors and woods is just pathetic. Quality of Switches, Quality of the marble promised(which they say will look the same with polish) will not sell this property.
They have only sold 130-150 units but if you ask they may say its all sold and very few are there.
Wait for the completion and see the prices dip for this property and post that if you like it buy it! but I m sure the plumbing is terrible for seepages.