After reading such scathing reviews, I had zero expectations from Veer, which is supposed to be Salman’s Dream Project. I stepped into the Cinema Hall expecting one of the most Shyt films ever. But fortunately . the film didn’t live upto my expectations. tongue sticking out smiley
Veer isn’t that Bad, its bearable!
But yes. it’s a disappointment considering I was expecting a Fantastic awe inspiring film when the first trailer came out. Later I loved the Music too which got me excited about Veer. The film falls really short of what it cud have been if it was better written and Directed. Veer is a Lavish but terribly Flawed film. But once u accept that u are being taken for a ride, just sit back and don’t bother about the loopholes in the story and just try to enjoy this bumpy jerky Ride of a film called Veer. It’s the only way to enjoy Veer.
The film starts off quite well and builds a strong base for things that will follow but the story never really takes off. Thera re soo many randon, illogical sub plots, like the whole track of yashodhara accepting He is Veer in front of everyone is soo random and one doesn’t understand whats the point there? I also cudnt understand how the Personal revenge suddenly became a National issue, how suddenly Veer became a patriot. Also the fight between the father and son in the climax and the logic behind it was laughable. Also I didn’t understand why Veer had to be Killed in the end, just to add some melodrama?
The screenplay is of convenience, like as if the writers don’t care about what the audience will think of it, they just open and shove random threads/sub plots down our throats and we have to gulp it without complaining.Its like no one associated with the film is serious about their work. they just doing it for the sake of it. mechanically! That hurts the film badly! The main problem with the film is that the film isn’t interesting and exciting, The heroism of Veer never Really affects the audience. One will watch the film with a straight face and come out of the hall with a straight face. The film doesn’t involve the viewer into the narrative. Suddenly when u think something exciting is gonna happen now, u left disappointed cos it never happens.
There are some Good scenes in between like the Class room scene, Salman shaking hands with Jackie scene, the fight before the interval, the starting first few minutes, some scenes between Mithun and sallu, they show good chemistry.
If someone is really interested then it is SALMAN KHAN. He really tries, tries and tries and succeeds on many occasions. If not for him Veer wud have been unbearable. I Like it when Salman is serious about what he is doing, like trying to prove a point. He carries this film entirely on his shoulders and ur heart goes out to him that he is Trying so hard. Veer is watchable just cos Salman is in Form.He gives it is all, but his story which had soo much potential hasn’t been developed and executed well. He gave his story in the wrong hands and they made a mess out of it.
Zarine is ok, nothing special but nothing bad either. She shares Zero chemistry with Salman.It was a LOLer when she was shown in the old woman getup in the climax. Mithun was Good and was given a full fledged role. Jackie was just there. Ditto for sohail. There are so many characters but none of them are of any importance. They are just to make the film look crowdy.
I Love the Music… Surili ankhiyon wale is sooo haunting and beautiful. Salam aaya was also Good but wasn’t used well. Taali maar was fun as long as it lasted and theres this small Rajasthani thumri used in the film which was sooo Good. Overall Music is one of the bright spots of the film.
Dialogues were good sometimes, some times terrible. Visually the film looks lavish but lacks the epic feel.Re recording and BGM were excellent and tried to make even the dull scenes a bit interesting.
Action, I feel was good but I expected more. I expected more gore and Violence and raw action. It wud have heightened the impact of Veers character! Some action scenes looked just fake.
Lousiest film by Anil sharma looks like he lost interst in mid way and he rushed things to complete the film. But still if works a bit it is because of Salman. He makes Veer tolerable. Watch it for Salman. Personally I liked it more than LD.
Overall, Veer shud have been made by better makers. It will fade at the boxoffice sooner or later… though I think the hardcore maasess in the North will lap it up and see to it that Veer doesn’t end up as a flop.
Veer is no Karan Arjun but its not Yuvvraaj either!