So one of the most hyped movies of the year finally released, thanks to the hoopla this movie was always going to have a grand opening. However the question is does this movie deliver, what it has promised?
My answer would be an emphatatic NO! This might not sound too good to all the Yash Chopra fans out there, for once Hype has failed to deliver over substance for Mr. Chopra.
Apart from performances by the lead cast and the music, this movie has got nothing to write home about. It even lacks the finnesse one usually associates with a Yashraj Production. The story has gaping holes, the script isnt tight, the ending makes you wonder, wether Mr. Chopra knows whats he doing? Though I must admit, the first half is entertaining the second half leaves a lot to be desired.
Moreover I think there are certain serious flaws in the movie, which makes the story appear half baked, check out the following facts:
1) Zohra Seghal easily appear over 80 in the movie, however she tells Priety Zinta that she was 16 when Pakistan was formed. Even if we take the timeline as current, that means when Priety Zinta came to India it was the year 1982, and Pakistan was formed in the year 1947, that basically meant that Zohra Sehgal was only 51, when she died. How can they pass off someone over 80 as 50, or maybe people old too fast in Pakistan?
2) Sharukh Khan arrives in Lahore on a bus, as far as I know (though I am not a very good student of History) there was no bus service between Lahore and any city of India prior to 1999. Did Mr. Chopra arrange a special service for SRK in 1981?
3) The bus in which Sharukh was supposed to travel back from Lahore to India (which city we are not told) gets into an accident and falls off the cliff. Again to the best of my knowledge between Lahore and Amritsar there is no treachourous road let alone mountains. Will you please stop taking the audiences intelligence level to such low levels?
Apart from this talented actors like Manoj Bajpai and Boman Irani have been wasted in small, undeveloped roles.
All in all I dont think this movie is worth your time or money, its better that you waste your time as well as money some place else.