After a long time comes an album which actually has soul and depth. Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy the main hoon nas and the rehmans of today but the ethos which was there in the era gone by has not been captured in recent years till this album.
There is no doubt that the tunes have not been tampered with (the second 2nd in the album actually guides the reconstruction of Mdan Mohans original tunes) but I cant help feel that if the original composer was around the music would have been even better. Still, I rate this album as the best of the season. It has ever green melodies.
I am going to talk about the top 5 songs here:
1) Do pal - This poignant melody takesyou back to the days of dev anand and geeta bali singing yeh raat yeh chandni. I cant help but notice a vague similarity between the two in the terms of the essence. Lata sounds divine and sonu nigam is definately the best singer today by leaps and bounds.
2) Yeh hum aa gaye hain kahan - A typical YAsh Chopra melody, this song would be on your mind for a long time after you hear it. I dont know how she does it but LAta despite the very faint quavering in her voice (yes, im a hugefan but I dont hide her liabilities now) sounds magnificient. She is resplendent and sweetness personified in this melody.
3) MAin yahan hoon - Tailor made for Shahrukh, this song has a zing which is simply very infectious. You can literally see Shahrukh making the most of this song. I am not a huge fan of his mannerisms by the way and while I dig this song, I am afraid its going to zoom up the Shahrukh irritation factor in many people :-)
4) tere liye - I have no words for this melody which I have no doubt is going to be around for a long long time on peoples minds. The piano signature in the beginning is haunting to put it mildly and as you listen to the song you cant help but wonder what the movies plot is. Seems like shahrukh and preity fall in love and are seperated and this song comes by when they see each other many years later. The lyrics give this away.
5) Hum to bhai aisa hain - Sorry guys but Lata Mangeshkar ROCKS. As I wasplaying this song at work on my pc, a few american colleagues asked me who the singer was and when I told them she was 75 they just didnt buy it. The magic of Lata spins this number from a regular zingy number to heights which only she can spiral songs to.
The rest of the songs are fine but not the kind I would replay again and again. Just one comment on this song called Kyon hawa aaj - WHAT was YAsh Chopra thinking when he read the poem out before the song starts. He is totally out of place and its very self obsessive of him to thrust his voice on us. Im a huge fan of his but his voice.... hmm.. not so sure. Lastly a short comment on the punjabi number Lodi - its been killed by over doing the orchestra and chorus. It just ends up sounding like cacophony despite a few nice pieces within. Overall this album is a MUST buy!
Its just got me very curious on the story line of the flick. Heres what I thinkhappens, shahrukh and preity meet and fall in love courtesy a trip she makes to india (apparently a pilgrimage thing to disperse ashes of her nanny who was hindu/sikh). however since she was engaged to manoj bajpai (WHAT an odd couple!) who comes by to fetch her, she goes back to pakistan.
Shahrukh follows her but because of some complication and because hes part of the air force is arrested as a suspected spy. Many years later, Rani (who is a human rights pakistani lawyer) gets to know shahrukh is languishing in jail and she helps pull the man out of his state and tries to reunite the two lovers. Preity off course never married but since the movie seems to have a tragic twist, even though shahrukh is eventually out of the pakistani jail, they dont reunite because one of them dies and the other follows... the END !