Veet seemed to have found the solution the time crunched working womens beauty needs.
This product sucks and the money spent in buying it is a total waste. I used Veets wax strips for the first time followed all the instructions to the tee. But for all teh efforts put in I have burn marks all over my arm. Within 5 min of use there were red marks all over my arm which eventually turned an angry purple and now is black. My skin is no overtly sensitive and have never had any reaction to either razors or waxing, Just proof enough that this is truly a bad product.
Also it fails on the other important criteria fr such a product convenience. The minute you open the wax strips it curls into itself and becomes all sticky and unusable. This product is clearly the result of gross lack of research and basic testing.
Please stay away at all costs the extra time spent at the parlor is definitely worth it until some people with some brains redevelop this product