Veronikas character is not the typical suicide type. I mean shes not unhappy or depressed.Basically her reason for trying to kill herself is that she is niether happy nor is she unhappy, her life is very stagnant.Shes not living but merely existing and thats what pushes her to take this step.
At all points in the book the reader tends to identify with Veronika.Every one in this world is so busy playing safe and so busy keeping others happy by doing things that are required of them that they stop living for themselves , lose the essence of life.
Everyone around wants to be like everyone else, in their mannerisms, looks, and, way of thinking.People are so busy being like each other that they cease to have an individual identity.The book establishes this fact.At the asylum she meets people who are so different and think so differently that they have been labelled as eccentric and wierd by the society rather than unique.