I ordered the book because I was much carried away by the fact that my favorite band Saturnus named their Depressive suicidal album "Veronica Decides To Die " after the name of the book by Paulo Coelho of the same name . I knew PC is very over rated writer after reading the most popular book by him(ALCHEMIST), which I felt not deserves that much attention as its having now .
Veronica decides to die is about a girl named Veronica who has everything, but she decides to die by overdosing herself with sleeping pills . But she was saved and carried to a mental asylum for supervision . Then she realizes that her heart is completely shattered, and she wont survive for more than 10 days . She met some people there and there occurs some changes in her mentality . She started to have that love to her life . she wanted to live then . so she plans to break out of the asylum and live the short life as she wanted but this changes at the end.
it might sound good but its not . trust me . it does n t worth the time unless you are a hard core fan of PC books .
but do listen to the album by SATURNUS on the same name