Now a days, vestige is the fastest growing mlm in the world. vestige is growing all over the world. the dream of the vestige to be the no.1 company of the world.
vestige is a indian company & in india it holds 2nd position.
if talk about the salary & benefits so its depend on how much you work in a day.
if we talks about the job security then dont worry this company is registered with governmet of india. so dont worry about your salary & job. the carrer growth in vestige marketing is soo goo the marketing plan of the was so very good & your carrer was in safe hands.
the work environment of vestige very good all the leaders were helful & supported.
the ceo of the vestige marketing is gautam bali which was also a great leader they have experince over 30 to 40 years.
and in the last I would say I you want to earn more than join this fantastic company.
wish you wealth