Rahul Rai and Veteran Investigation services are big fraud and a scam to trap people. They are out there to break the trust and cheat us with our hard earned money
They pretend to be professionals and have cream of retired intelligence agency people. In reality they hire some local footworkers to deliver a shoddy job and then abandon the work mid way of assignment by taking 100% advance. When you demand reports, accountability or money back they threaten to call the person who was under surveillance and actually they do!
My story is follows:
on 22 Aug I gave them a brief to track a matter within family for 3 days 25th to 27th Aug.paid 100% advance .a real big rum of money.I have proof
They submitted a sketchy report of day 1 and then disappeared I kept on chasing them on phone calls, whats app message and SMS.but there was pin drop silence!
Finally after few days when I wrote a review on Just Dial about this experience Rahul started communicating with me .threatened me to remove the review else he will call the subject and inform about surveillance.which he did!
Absolutely unreliable, unprofessional people they are white collar thieves / dacoits.all positive reviews are absolutely fake.
Check these pics