This review is similar to What Shrinidhi has written about Flightraja. But read it first & than comment ;-)
I am one of the winner of Free return air ticket for video review [ Review on Matheran ].
I have started communication with Flightraja in month of Feb 2007. Based on my experience I have asked several question to Wanda from Flightraja. Question like
1. Can I book ticket for Any destination
2. Can I book ticket for any month like mar , apr or may 2007 [ I mean is there any expiry date ].
3. Does I have to pay anything
I got reply that I can book ticket for any destination and I can book ticket upto Apr , may june 2007 as so on. Also I will not require to pay anything.
I have given my ticket booking for Mumbai to Srinagar and back for month of April 2007. I have been told later that I can book ticket upto Rs 6, 000 only. I thought it is ok for me even if I get ticket upto 6000.
I was not able to plan out my travel because I was busy in work. In month of May 2007 I got message from Wanda that Free ticket offer has been expired & it is no longer valid. I have written to Jasmine from mouthshut.doc but she never replied me back.
I have done follow up with flightraja but some how I was not given proper reply. Since I have all communication in writting so I was sure I will get justice. At the end when I used to call flightraja I used to get answer that speak to people.
Finally I have decided to write to CEO of Flighraja in month of July 2007 & I really appriciate that he wrote me back asking for all communication I had with Wanda.
Finally Wanda wrote me back and told me that I can book ticket and she wrote
"Dear Chetan I have recieved the confirmation to issue a frre ticket for you. We appologised for whatever has happen . Kindly provide me the sector and date so that we can issue a ticket for you."
Now I got my ticket in hand. I wrote Title as True Raja and for me Raja [ King ] is person who say something and does the same thing.
I do not blame Wanda or anyone & every one does the mistake. I really appriciate attitude of CEO of Flightraja Mr Vinay Gupta. [ Live by commitment ]