For all the parents who Believe VIBGYOR as one of the BEST School In Bangalore
The management of Vibgyor High is taken over by the Mumbai management,
Reason for the Old Management to hand over the management to Mumbai is not agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Mumbai Management.
1) Increase the number of section.
2) Salaries are too high for the teachers which needs to be reduced.
3) No choice to be given to the parents for sport activities.
4) Transportation -Busses need to be reduced to control the cost though the parents are paying the fee.
5)Admissions can be given to a sMr_customtakeouternt at any point of time- It is the child and the parents Head ache to cope with the classes
6)only 1 semi trained teacher per class the other should be just a helper to the trained teacher.
7) only 2 SPA teachers, not required that they have to be certified or experienced, they should be able to handle that 1 hrs entertaining the kids with no complaints.
The above are just few there are many more.
MY son is class 4 and he is studying in VIBGYOR from Mont 3, until this year there were no complaints from my son, he always loved to go to the school and loved his SPA classes, Every thing was going on fine until this August, I started receiving complaints from my son, he would come home with a fit of anger on him and on questioning he would tell me that his teacher shouts at him and does not answer his questions, he told me that he was asked to shut his mouth and was insulted in front of the class for being late to the school( he travels to school by school BUS so why is he responsible)
Home works are not checked properly classwork is not upto mark,
Bus timings were changed, My son used to get picked up by 7 15am and now he gets picked up by 6 45am. he is the first pick up and there is no attender in the bus, The attender boards the bus only after 5 kids are picked up and bus driver needs to wait for the attender every day for about 10min where as the driver does not even wait a second for the child.
The same has been complained to the school and emails have been sent to get an update, till date there is no response or any action taken, the bus route is horrible, my son leaves home at 6 45AM and reaches home at 4.50 PM all tired and no time for any other activities,
coming to the teachers, Almost all the experienced teachers have quit and they have bought in teacher who are 10th and 12th drop outs, I have personally enquired on this and found this is TRUE, I was advised by the class teacher to admit my son in some other school as the teachers can not teach the children the way they understand,
My sons SPA activities were changed with out intimating us when questioned they said it is the rule of the school, Is this not funny I pay 12000 every ear for my sons SPA which he is not interested in, when I request an appointment with the principal I was denied an appointment and was asked to meet the coordinator and if she thinks it is required to meet the principal then we will be given an appointment, I have sent numerous emails to the school and to the principal and till date I dint get any response.
The coordinators are frustrated with the work load and the every day changes in the school which is shown on the children, the best of the best teachers have been moved out,
Vibgyor High was the best school and I Have recommended most of my friends kids to that school but from this year It has been one of the worst school, management is really sick, teacher them selves advice the parents to look out for options.
The Old management has started a school named chrislys and I have taken intrest to visit the school it is still under construction, I met the principal and requested for admission for my child for next year, there curriculum is fantastic and principal Archana told me that admission will be granted only if my son clears the entrance, though she knows him very well she says that she needs to know where my son stands, All the best teachers are in that school met most of them and enquired on the reason for them to leave Vibgyor and every one has the same reason,
I dint wanted to take any hasty decisions so I enquired with the my sons friends parents on what differences they have found and every one have told me that they will be removing their Child from the school, One of my sons friends mother is a teacher still In Vibgyor, I met her and asked her on the old and new management and she told me that Archana the previous principal does not compromise on quality she always believed in standard and had groomed Vibgyor High. now the same school has lost its quality.
above all there are many incidents that took place this year in Vibgyor,
there was a fire break out at the school and this was not disclosed to any parent, they have changed the wall color to hide this, I learnt this from the Transport guys, there was a child locked in the bus for 4 hrs it was the responsibility of the Attender and the teachers, the kid was only 4 yrs and was sleeping in the bus,
My child brings his lunch back home every day and when complained this to the teacher she told me that she is the only one and it is very difficult for her to concentrate on all the kids.
Current management is not bothered and the support classes are use less there is not one to take the support classes as the class teacher is tired taking classes the whole day,
I am not recommending any parent to take their child from the school I dint think that is the solution, but all the parents need to join and ensure they get for what they have paid.
Request all the parents to do their homework before they take the admission, please check with the parents of the older sMr_customtakeouternts, walk through the school ask the school that you want to meet the teachers and the SPA teacher and please make sure you talk to the attenders as well, if the management denies for the above then consider your option as NO,
They will inform you that all the teachers and walk through the school will happen at the time of orientation that is a make up, it is always good for you to insist before the admission.
I agree that education is become a business these days and I am sure all parents want the best quality for the money that has been spent,
What ever mentioned above is TRUE and parents can contact me on naidu_suneetha@
where I can show all the proof of emails and also the remarks in the dairy of my child,
the few best left over teachers will be leaving the school by January and there will be a new set of drop outs joining the school, teachers are paid 5k(drop outs) where as an experience teacher sal is above 15k the school can get 3 dropouts for 15k:-)just imagine where your money is going.
NO chess trainer and the kid is put in some other activities which they are not interested and the kid was threatened to not tell this to the parent.
I have a proof for this as well.
Please think think and think it is your money and your childs career.
Thank you