I was shocked to hear that a few other children at VIBGYOR HIGH have similar experience as that of the 6 year old. When most of the incidents are hushed up, one such incident should speak for all and safeguard the innocent children and alert parents.
We as parents must ensure that the guilty is punished and the school respects the feelings of
parents. It is inhumane to state that security of the children is not the schools responsibility. On what basis are we sending our children to school as such?
The govt. of India must, should, take this on priority and ensure that all schools if allowed to operate must be held responsible for the security of each and every of their students. Failing which the school should be deemed unfit for operation.
As for VIBGYOR high, I pray for the parents of the 6 year old to give them strength to sail on in this troubled times. I wouldnt want my children to study in a school that has such low dignity and greedy for money system. Let the community ensure that such schools are shut from operating and such owners be prisoned for hushing up and evading responsibilities.
Request all caring parents to review the situation before even thinking about sending your children to VIBGYOR high.