My skin is prone to acne. I tried many allopathic medicines, even homeo. The results were temporary and the pimples erupted again. I had red spots and my face was very ugly. I was just waiting for time to cure it. Then a friend of mine recommended Vicco turmeric. He said it is very effective on infections caused by acne. Since I tried many medicines, I did not hesitate to try this one too. I used for about a fortnight. and Guess what!!. Pimples just reduced. It has made my skin soft also. Red spots are fading away though gradually. The sandalwood cools the skin and one would feel the coolness while applying. But I wonder, if it can be used on Mens skin as I have heard turmeric paste are not applied on mens skin as it is used to remove unwanted hair on womens face. Is it a myth or truth ? Any advise.