Definatly the best skin cream I have used. Have been using it daily for two weeks now. It has really good texture, it made my skin feel soft and healthy, and has a gentle and calming effect on the senses. I recently could not use any mosturising creams on my face because I have very oily skin, but this cream balanced out my skin perfectly.It has a very plesent fragrance too:)
My friend has also tried this out, she has fairly dry skin, she said that it was very moisturising. Definatly usefull for all skin types:) I would recomend this cream to anyone who does not like using harsh chemicals. I have also tried it out on some pretty severe sunburn, within 2 days my skin was greatly improved. I found the price to be very reasonable for the content and the quantity- (50g) $5 aus dollars. I give this product a well deserved 5 stars:)